Sunday 4 August 2013

A long awaited update

Apologies once again for not keeping up to date. I have been busy with school, Cubs and my Dad's bike, which is now in America, on it's way to Bonneville Salt Flats (see here or their Facebook page)

In this first picture, I am putting filler in the cracks in the fairing. Then I sanded it back, then put some more on, then sanded that back. Next, I had to wait in a room, while my Dad sprayed it with silver paint. In the third picture, the fairing is nearly finished... just a few more stickers and the seat to go.

Then the next task is electrics, engine, and wires. See you guys later! :)

Monday 11 February 2013

Back on the job!

Sorry guys that I haven't posted for a while. School, Christmas and the cold got in the way of me working on the bike. Now it's half term, so I'm back on the job.

I have been begging my Dad to help me do some work on my bike. Yesterday me and my Dad got time to work. We tried putting the front wheel on and it wouldn't go in properly. It was bending to one side. We found out the problem and it was because we forgot to put in a little metal bit near the wheel. We put it in and it worked! Phew! I was very relieved.

As you can see, near my left hand there is a bit of rust. That is the bit that we forgot to put in, because we didn't know what it was for. The old owner had it put in. Now it is on it's wheels again.

This is a good picture of the new foot rest.

I'm going to start working on the fairing next.